Clarkston United Methodist Church

High School RM 24 - North Carolina

High School Students currently in Grades 9-12 for the 2023-24 School Year.

This High School Student mission trip is a week long mission trip to North Carolina to
serve along with local churches, universities and nonprofits in the local community. This
trip is organized in partnership with Praying Pelican Ministries, an interdenominational
organization that sets up and leads mission trips for churches globally.

June 21 - June 28, 2024
Exact travel times may change slightly as partner churches and lodging are finalized,
which usually happens ten weeks prior to the departure date.

The full itinerary for this trip is still in the planning stages, with the final location
picked approximately 10 weeks out from the departure date. Locations are picked
by Praying Pelican Ministries in consultation with Clarkston United Methodist Church.
Our commitment with Praying Pelican Ministries is to work and stay withing an hour of
Wilmington, North Carolina.

Clarkston United Methodist church holds a core value of transformational mission,
serving alongside others in local communities builds relationships that change us as
we improve the lives of those around us. By seeking out mission partners outside the
Clarkston Community, we offer students the opportunities to expand their worldviews
with mission trips in different locations each year. This years mission trip to North
Carolina will provide a unique opportunity to experience serving others in a different
geographic region from our home state.

Praying Pelican Ministries


• $500 Participant Fee

While the full cost of the trip is expected to be about $1000 per participant, the

Clarkston United Methodist Church Youth Group and Missions Team will be holding

several fundraisers to bridge the difference between the participant cost and trip

expenses. These include the Soup Jar Sales, Soup-er-Bowl in February of 2024 and

Italian Night in March of 2024. Participation in fundraising events is required. A deposit

of $200 is required by December 22, 2023 to reserve a spot on this trip. The remainder

may be paid in installments or in full by May 17, 2024.



The High School Mission Trip will be lead by Jeremy Dean, Collen Godfrey, Michele

Rousseau and other parents and adult volunteers in the Youth Program.

The group will travel by vehicle from Clarkston to Wilmington North Carolina. We are

looking at church partners to stop half way on the trip down in Charleston West Virginia.

Lodging will be “Floor-sleeping in a secure church, school or community center” with

further details available closer to the departure date.


Packing and Supply lists will be available closer to trip departure date. Participants are

expected to be involved in the High School Youth Group programming

6/21/2024 12:00 PM - 6/28/2024 12:00 AM
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Jeremy Dean
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